Dear Diary…

I’m going to use this post as a sort of diary entry.

I just realised that the last time i cried was well over three months ago. And for an emotional person like me, who cried at Frozen, that is an achievement! I realised this after an argument with my parents left me in tears, as per usual! I realised that the whole time I have been away at University, I haven’t cried once, not once. I didn’t cry because I missed my old friends or my family, not because I got into an argument with a friend and not because I saw the negative balance in my bank account! (Fucking student loan!) I realised that it was being home that brought back these emotions. Being here, in the house that I grew up in, with the family I grew up with that brought these tears to my eyes. University had made me stronger, tougher and more fearless, (with my family being a mere thought away). Being back home only demolished this wall of dignity and left me broken.

It’s my crazy and hectic family that bring out these emotions in me. They drive me crazy! And make me miss my laid back student life where no one is nagging me and no one is telling me “do this, do that!” But, I mean, if I didn’t have these emotions, if I just blocked them out, then it would be a different story, but the fact that I actually cried after this argument, shows I do care. This is my family. Crying is linked to sadness but it is also linked to caring emotions, when I love something so much and it upsets me, I usually cry. So even though, in this situation, my family made me feel like i needed to cry, I realised that it is a lot better to cry and show your true caring, loving emotions and feelings towards them, then to block them out as if they don’t exist.

Would you look at that, writing this posts stops my crying! I must do this more often 😉

I hope you can understand what i’m getting at here as to be honest, i’m not quite sure I do myself!

That’s all for now!
Write soon!



Dear Diary…


So for those of you who don’t know, the first week of Uni for first years is referred to as ‘Freshers Week’. This is where thousands of young teens get extremely intoxicated to the point of being practically comatose! My freshers experience was no different, to say the least!

Dancing all night, stumbling around at 3am, late night visits to McDonald’s and the occasional kiss and tell is what Freshers is all about.
What I did not realise, however, is that this cycle continues past Freshers week. Many students will do whatever possible in order to go out at night. Clubs are always jam-packed from Monday through to Saturday. Nottingham is definitely one of the best places to go on a night out. Drinks are cheap and cheerful and the clubs play nothing but the best hits all night long.

Uni life is treating me extremely well so far. I have found it extremely easy to make friends and meet new people, my course is interesting and it does help that the nightlife is amazing, I have to say.

Are there any other Uni students reading this? If so, what Uni do you attend? And what were your favourite and most memorable things about Freshers week?

Promise to write again soon world,

Lots of Love,




Hello Again

I haven’t written on here in quite a while.The last time I wrote was during my revision for my A Levels! That was quite a while ago! I was really stressed and busy with revising that I had no time to write on here! Anyway.. I got into University!

That is where I am writing right now! I am currently a Nottingham Trent Uni Student in Journalism 🙂 I received good A Levels (unlike last year!) and now I am so happy to be an official university student!

So, all the hard work paid off for me! When you work hard, you get rewarded.. in some way 🙂

Sorry I haven’t written in a while, but I promise now I have more time, and as I am doing a Journalism degree, I will write on here a lot more 🙂

I will aim to write at least once a week… more I hope!

yeah, so that’s it for today,

lots of love



Hello Again

okay, so… revision?

As every teenager knows, exams are one of the most important thing you need to go through in your adolescent life… especially if you want to go to university. In England, these exams are known as A Levels. Basically, I need to pass these.

Last year consisted of me taking my AS Levels ( a step down from A Levels) and lets just say I didn’t do as well as I could have.. and now, being in year 13, I am taking my A Levels in just a few months time! 

Revision is a hard thing. It seems that students, like me, get prepped by teachers to revise (for months in advance) for exams that are over in a mere few hours. It is almost impossible to comprehend that these 2 hour exams (that you may have just a few of) basically decide your future for you…if you do well, you go to uni, if not, then.. well you’re in trouble.

I just hate the pressure that is put on the 21st Century teenager! We are only young, we should not have to be making life decisions and studying this hard, with this much pressure, at our age! We need to just live our young lives whilst we can, before it’s too late!

Ah, well, rant over!

Speak soon world,



okay, so… revision?